Task 3: Critical Error Detection

Since these errors are artificially created we strongly encourage participants not to use the training data and if so, we will split participants into unconstrained & constrained settings. The baseline results using the provided training data are really high, indicating that the task is easy for a model that has access to training data that was created in a the same way. Nonetheless a traditional QE system trained on DA’s has a hard time finding which sentences where modified. For a constrained setting we will ask participants to submit systems that are purely trained on quality annotations such as DA’s, MQM and/or HTER. A strong QE system should be robust to these artificially created errors while maintaining a high correlation with human judgments!

The goal of this task is to predict sentence-level binary scores indicating whether or not a translation contains a critical error. Translations with such errors are defined as translations that deviate in meaning as compared to the source sentence in such a way that they are misleading and may carry health, safety, legal, reputation, religious or financial implications. Meaning deviations from the source sentence can happen in three ways:

Mistranslation: critical content is translated incorrectly into a different meaning. Hallucination: critical content that is not in the source is introduced in the translation, for example, addition of content that is not present in the source. Deletion: critical content that is in the source sentence is not present in the translation.

We focus on a set of critical error categories:


source Translation Label
A questão, em última análise, é saber porque deve a Alemanha tentar reduzir o seu excedente de transacções correntes. The question, ultimately, is which is not so simple: Is there an effective excuse why Germany should seek to reduce its current-account deficit surplus. ADD
Alguns observadores, como o Presidente do Banco do Japão Haruhiko Kuroda, sugeriram que a China podia considerar o reforço dos controlos. A few observers, have suggested that China might consider tightening controls. DEL
Na verdade, as mulheres ocupam apenas 14% das posições dos conselhos de direcção Europeus. Indeed, women hold only 14% of positions on US corporate boards. NE
Os exportadores Chineses foram apanhados na tenaz da fraca procura externa e dos salários nacionais em rápido crescimento. Chinese exporters are caught between the pincers of weak foreign demand and rapidly lower domestic wages. MEAN
Por exemplo, os povos indígenas constituem apenas 5% da população global, mas representam 15% da população pobre mundial. For example, indigenous peoples constitute just 0.7% of the global population, but account for 15% of the world’s poor. NUM

Training and development data:

Data consists of News articles containing instances in the following languages:

Note: For the Enlgish into German we do not have any Meaning errors!

Test data:

Approximately 500 sentence pairs for each language pair are provided (News domain).

The data is extremely unbalanced because in practice these phenomenas are rare and for that reason difficult to detect in a reliable way.


For the Constrained baseline we rank data according to the scores produced by wmt21-comet-qe-mqm and anything below a certain threshold is assigned a BAD tag. A perfect QE system should easily rank segments with critical errors below the other translations.


Submissions will be evaluated in terms of ranking. We ask participants to provide a score for each sentence and a threshold will be used separate Good translations from Bad ones. We will analyse the Recall@K and MCC given the scores provided.

The official evaluation script for this task can be found here


python official_evaluation.py -s {YOUR-SYSTEM-SCORES}.txt -l en-de-dev/dev.label -c


python official_evaluation.py -s {YOUR-SYSTEM-SCORES}.txt -l en-de-dev/dev.label -u

Baseline Results:

Results for en-de Dev Set Constrained baseline:

MCC@5.50 Recall@5.50 Precision@5.50
0.1076 0.1567 0.1567

Results for the en-pt Dev Set

MCC@5.48 Recall@5.48 Precision@5.48
0.0727 0.1235 0.1235

Example for en-de Constrained:

Results for en-de Dev Set Unconstrained baseline:

MCC@5.50 Recall@5.50 Precision@5.50
0.8943 0.9001 0.9001

Results for the en-pt Dev Set

MCC@5.48 Recall@5.48 Precision@5.48
0.8955 0.9012 0.9012

Previous Edition

This subtask is similar to the Critical Error Detection shared task organized last year, we recommend checking their findings paper. Nonetheless, note that the domain is totally different from last years shared task and the annotations also differ.